Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Study resource - CFAI study planner

Modern life style these days can be so manipulative without one even noticing it. for example I travel to work on subways both ways to and from work, it’s less than 40 seconds of time for me to come out from home, walk cross the street and hop on the subway trains which take me directly to the basement level of where I work. The idea is terrifying, I don’t need to get outside almost at all times and would be just able to live always inside like that, I am sure some of you guys share the same life style to certain extent. It bothers me sometimes and I have to make a point to go outside and walk a bit sometimes even though the air is not that fresh at the centre of an industrialized city. But, the advantage of it is artificial lighting takes away or at least moderated the psychological ‘downside potential’ on this gloomy Tuesday morning.

So here’s what I got today, a study planner! This tool is offered by the CFA Institute where you can log in and figure out how many days you need to study each session, this is pure golden. Candidates should take full advantage of this tool, and use it on an ad hoc basis to keep track of what you have left in terms of number of days. I don’t have access to this tool, but I encourage you, if you have registered for an exam, to go online and take a look at it. In the old days, I had to draw things out on a calendar book and allocate my time over to each study session, or I had to pay hundreds of dollars to purchase a study package with this sort of planning tools, nowadays they did it for you.

A few words before you use it though. Any type of generic study planner should serve one purpose, that is to provide you with some guidance and guidance only, it’s not a personalized study plan. I think you can use their tracking feature to log your time on it to calculate a more accurate schedule for the remaining months, but without using it myself, I would imagine this should be used as a guidance, not a personalized agenda. The point is that an estimate alone is already a great thing to know, so you might want to play around with it and find out where you want to allocate the most of your time and ‘re-balance’ your ‘portfolio’ of time remaining to optimize rate of returns on your time, in this case, you want to outperform 55% to 60% of the CFA candidates on exam day.

Simply log on to your candidate resource centre to access the CFA Program Study Planner. Have a great Tuesday afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot. It is much appreciated! Your advice and tips are always useful. Really great blog.

Rick said...

Thanks a lot for your recent 3 posts. I was pleasantly surprised to see new posts. I have followed all your tips send advice so I hope I can pass my level 2.
If I pass, I will definitively let you know!thanks so much again, your blog us very inspirational!

Kate said...

That's very neat and helpful. Thanks so much. Your blog is really nice and helpful. Really like your personal touch in your writing, very inspirational !

PassCFAExams said...

Thanks Anonymous, Rick, Kate, most appreciate your comments.

Rick, I am happy to know you are using the studying techniques I posted here, however, please keep in mind these are not everything you need to do to pass the exam, it takes a lot of practice. if you are first time taking level 2, there are a few things to consider which I will write this coming week.

Kate, thanks for your comment, and glad to know my posts are helpful. Good luck studying this weekend!

Kate said...

Thanks, for responding to us. I don't think luck can help me much...either I need a miracle or you come sit next to me on exam day :)
I'm doing level 1 for the second time. So let's see...but like others, I'm really following your blog and all your advice and tips.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your post! Great blog, very inspirational ! Also very good mental support! I read all the comments and find it very entertaining but also made me feel I am not alone in this journey. If I read all the books, practice a bit and read your blog and follow your advice and tips, is it enough to pass level 2?

PassCFAExams said...

Thanks Kate, Anonymous.

Kate, you are absolutely right, luck will not help you pass the exam, study as hard as you can, practice as much as you can so you don't need luck at all.

Anonymous, I am concerned when you said "read the book and practice a bit", unfortunately that's not enough, you must practice A LOT! practice as many exam questions as possible please, only a bit will not pass level 2, it's a very tricky exam, please complete all readings this month, and take the month of November to practice exam questions.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for your post, very helpful and inspirational. I keep clicking to see if there is any new post, so happy to see this new post. Maybe it will be good if you tell yes in advance which day you will put new post, for example on Wednesday or Thursday ? Thanks. Great great great blog!