Thursday, September 18, 2014

Exam strategy - 4

Hello guys, hope everyone is having a productive Thursday night and is all pumped for a full weekend study schedule on Saturday and Sunday. I understand many of your guys found my post on studying on weekends quite depressing, sadly true, but if you have a full time job, this is the best opportunity to get through some LOS’s. I know sleeping in would be so nice after a long week at work, just remind yourself there’s 80 more days before exam day, hurry up to maximize your marginal utility in the CFA studies and place your indifference curve tangent to your CFA demand curve, trade off your play time for more study hours :) If you can use my weekend story for motivation, don’t hesitate to do so, just know some people somewhere are studying harder than you.

Assuming an average person takes 5 to 6 months to study for each of the 3 exams, most candidates should have put in about 8 to 10 weeks of work so far. Ideally you have created your own study summary while you go through each LOS in the past few weeks, question remains: did you take the best notes that will put you above the pass rate? If not, with the 2.5 months left, how can you improve?

I can never overstate the importance of the very first point I made on this blog about the LOS command words. Whether you are using the CFAI curriculum or any other providers, always go back to the base and understand what you are expected to do. Same goes for your note taking. Candidates need to not  only take notes on definition and formulas, but also pay special attention on underlying relationships between concepts that occur in different chapters and how each topic is inter-related to other chapters.

For example in l3, you understand personal profiling using key factors such as time, tax, liquidity, legal, unique circumstance. From l1 and l2, you also understand the risk characteristics of bonds and equities securities. The exam, however, will not test these concepts alone. You will need to demonstrate you understand the client financial needs by applying the tools, and recommend an appropriate asset mix based on the risks of different securities classes.

So writing down the knowledge points will help you, but only to a certain extent, in helping you memorize what they mean, you must understand and be able to apply the underlying relationships that support these concepts in a question set.

While you are doing that, leave some space on the sides or between lines, so later on in your review you can add more notes, you can even use your favourite colour pens!  I realized I didn’t truly understand many knowledge points reading for the first time.  It was until I did questions and reviewed these questions, I started to register these concepts, so what I did was I kept adding supplementary notes in red next to the corresponding LOS on my notes.

So by the end of my 5 month studies, I had not only created my study notes, I created a fantastic notebook of CFA proven knowledge network that’s interrelated with one and other. This approach helped me reference back to the LOS/knowledge points every time I encounter new questions of the same topic. It made studying so much easier for me to go back and forth to reference between chapters that are tested in the same question set.

One last note before I leave you to your studies tonight, use a colour pen and be creative!

Have a great Thursday evening.


Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for this new post, I didn't expect an update, fortunately I quickly check your blog. Great post!

Terri said...

Wow, that is the best blog on this topic I ever seen ! I really like very much your last post !!!
Thanks !

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post, very helpful. I'm taking a short break for my study. So reading your blog now. Very nice of you to take your time to share this valuable tips.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for this post. It is really helpful. Studying now level 1. I let you know if I pass. Thanks ! Great blog!

Henry said...

Thanks a lot for your new update. Really very helpful. In general I find your bog very inspirational. Hope you keep up the good work. But don't spend too much time for us, as you already finish all your exams, you should apply for cfa charter and enjoy life!
Your blog rocks!

PassCFAExams said...

Thanks Terri, Henry, and anonymous guys, appreciate your comments.

All contents published on this blog are from my personal experience in the CFA program, and I am glad I can share it with you guys to help out in any way possible. I think if you practice these tips/techniques I summarized that have helped me pass all exams, there is a great chance you will pass the exam as well.

Henry, thanks for your comment, I did spend a lot of time on the blog in past 2-3 weeks and unfortunately I have to prioritize certain responsibilities over the blog when theres a conflict. Good news is I received the charter recently, so that helped :)

Have a productive weekend.

Linda said...

Congratulation ! I wish I can one day say the same thing...Taking now a short break on level 2 study. My brain cannot think my mom told me to look at your blog to get inspiration...yeah, your blog is also one of the topic of conversation with my mom :) Thanks a lot for your post, very helpful ! I am looking forward your next post, but like Henry says, don't put too much your time for should enjoy your life ! Thanks again...for your great blog !

Candice said...

Congratulation for your CFA charter! It is amazing! You are very generous to take your time to share your experience and tips. I don't know you but I think based on this, I think you really have good karma and I believe good karma attracts good thing. Thanks a lot for your post! Much appreciated! Waiting impatiently for your next post!!!

Mandy said...

Love love love your blog ! Nothing to add! great job on getting your charter ! I know many people have said they are your big fan, but I think I outnumber them: I live and breath on your blog. First thing in the morning even before brushing my teeth, I quickly open your blog to check if there is any update; if there is, then I wake up and I have a nice breakfast reading your blog; if no update then I sleep a bit more. I have saved all your blog on a document so that I can read during my commute; During lunch break, I eat at my desk and enjoy reading the comments on your blog; Before leaving the office, I quickly check your blog and if there is any update, I quickly print it out and read in the train. During dinner, I discuss about your blog with my roommate who is also studying for CFA; During my CFA study I quickly check your notes before I start reading the book; During my study break, I read the comments, just to stay in the field but still get some level of entertainment; before shower, I check one more time your blog; if there is any new comments or update, I shower faster so that I can read your blog in my bed; if no update, then I shower longer.
So I think you should grant me as number one fan of your blog :)
I am saying it in a joking way but seriously I haven't exaggerated and your blog is very helpful to me and I believe to many people judging the nature of the comments ! Your blog definitely is the best thing that can happen to my CFA study ! Thanks ! You should write a book! Your blog is extremely inspirational and helpful ! Please enjoy life, you deserve it!

PassCFAExams said...

Thank you for your kind words Linda and Candice.

Linda, when i read your comment I thought hmmm, maybe I achieved something here if my blog gets mentioned like that. The study can be mechanical some times especially when it's late night, try get some fun out of, and not just for the sake of reading. you can relate some of the stuff to the real world, for example you can relate the pension concepts in l2 to your (or family's) pension plan.

Candice, thanks for the comment. sorry i will probably not be able to write a new post until next week, this weekend I need to prepare something for next Monday. Hope what you say is true :))

Austin said...

Omg, I thought to say the same thing as Mandy. Honestly I think I should be the one getting the number one fan title. Not only I live and breath on your blog, anything Mandy mentions, I am also doing it, but on top of that, I talk about your blog to my colleagues, my friends, my family and even my dog when he is barking and told him that he can bark after I read your blog.
Furthermore, I preach people who is doing CFA to go read your blog and your blog is almost like a financial bible for me!
Sometimes I am tired reading so I ask my sister to read and record your blog and send it to me, and I listen to it when I am driving. Maybe you can record something and put on your blog or youtube. It will be a great success. I think you can grant me number 1 and Mandy number 2 fan. :)
Thanks for the latest post and counting the hours for your next post...

Carlos said...

Thanks for your post. Much appreciated. I won't compete with Mandy and Austin for the title number one fan; but I am definitively a big fan of your blog. I appreciate very much the time you take to help us. All your tips and strategy are very helpful and your explanation on specific questions always clarifies things that either I didn't understand or thought I grasp the concept. Your blog and all the comments are very inspirational and I enjoy reading the comments of everyone. Really great blog! I am doing level 2, so please continue your blog until I finish all the levels! :)
Thanks a lot and if I pass all the levels I will let you know.

PassCFAExams said...

Hey Mandy, thanks very much for your comment and thanks for coming back frequently to check, i hope i didn't disappoint anyone that there's no update this weekend.

I am really happy the blog helps with your study, not sure if you are using any of the tips. I will continue and create more entries as there's still many strategies i've used but haven't shared yet. Maybe I should write a book, lol, it probably wont cover the printing cost though.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your post. I use all your strategies and tips. I also find your explanation on bonds very useful. Thanks a lot. It is pity there is no new post but I understand that you may be also busy. It is already very nice from you to take your time to share your study tips with us.
In the meantime I will just study more (for level 2) and read the comments of other as entertainment :) Your blog is really very helpful and nice.

PassCFAExams said...

Hey Austin, that's REALLY appreciated! thanks a lot for letting me know, i would never be able to come up with the idea of having an audio version of the blog, that'd be so cool! and thanks for spreading the blog eh. I am very happy to see that some of my tips are useful for you, I am looking forward to introduce more of them, plus i am looking forward to hear about the results from implementing these tips/techniques. I never thought the blog will have any followers, so thank you so much. I wont ask people to do it the way I did it, which was somewhat depressing as you can tell in my earlier post, but chances are you have an advantage over other candidates if you live it, breathe it and practice. so from what i am hearing, I think you are doing great.

PassCFAExams said...

Carlos, and Anonymous, thanks for your comments and glad to hear the blog is helpful. Unfortunately my schedule this weekend is fully booked for next week and not able to get more posts out, sorry.

But please continue your studies the way you feel comfortable with, and remember to review and practice what you have studied.

I want to give a huge thanks to everyone! for those of you who didn't comment, I hope the blog can be of help in your studies. Lastly, 9 weeks to go until the exam, best to all of you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post. So sad no new post nor new comments. This blog us my only entertainment during my study break...reading your post and all the comments is very relaxing and helpful. I don't know for others but I'm really counting down the hours for a new post.

Alan said...

Thanks a lot for your post. Looking forward your next post. Can you put more emphasis on level 2. No need to rush to add new post as I'm taking 1.5 weeks off. I feel a bit guilty for taking the coming days offf especially after reading you weekend post but no chance, at home it is my gf who commands. My father told once that any smart man let their gf/wife command or at least make them feel they are the boss :) so it is a holiday that is required to have peace and happiness. If I pass level 2, I will be extra happy. Do you think 1.5 weeks off will affect negatively my chance to pass?
Thanks. Great blog !

Anonymous said...

Still studying level 2, taking a short break. Reading your inspirational blog, very helpful and entertaining too. Thanks. You seem to be quite busy fir not updating. Don't worry about us, we will just live the coming few days as "orphan" ...your blog is like a father telling us tips and direction to follow....j/k, I and other readers miss your updates but of course we understand you are busy. I will continue to visit your blog even if there is no update. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, great post. Looking forward your next post. Would you have more time this weekend to put summary of important things to focus for level 1?

Anonymous said...

So sad no new post :( I guess we have to be a bit more patient. Would you have time to add a new post this coming weekend ? Thanks. I'm more interested in summary of things to focus on level 2.

PassCFAExams said...

Alan, your father must be a wise man, I agree with him 100%. 1.5 week vacation is probably not recommended if you ask me, but it all depends on where you are in your studies. If you’ve done most of the readings at this point and have done some questions along with readings, it’s probably not a big deal. You can always read ethics and review your notes a couple of hours a day during your vacation to keep up the momentum. So I don’t think it’s a deal breaker, but I would put in extra hours once I get back.

Thanks Anonymous guys, indeed this last weekend was hectic enough, I was preparing for something urgent and important. So I will have sometime this weekend and will post more strategy. Closer to the exam, I want to write a bit about study strategy for the last month, and the last two weeks before exam. The last month is critical in passing the exam and must be utilized to its fullest. Have a fantastic Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your new comment. So sad no new post but glad you took your time to answer us. Would be really good if you can put a summary on key things to focus for level 2. Thanks...I'm sure everyone is waiting and counting hours till your next update.

Anonymous said...

Omg, still no sad. I guess you must be very busy, looking forward your next post. Can you post a key summary of things yo focus for level 2? Thanks so much.